Friday, October 26, 2012


Colorize a photo Questions

Colorize a Photo with Multiple Colors

1. (I) List two reasons for colorizing photos:
  a. To show your mood
  b. To send a message

(III)  Imagine you have a photo of a family picnic.  Describe how you might use colorizing to enhance the picture and why you used the hue you chose?
         We would enhance the photo by making it bright and using happy colors. We would use bright hue colors to express how we are feeling and show that we are having fun.

2.  (II) Complete the flow map to show the process for creating sections with guides.
Go to view -> "new guide" -> select "vertical" in the orientation option -> 25% in the position value, then 50%, 75%, 100%

(III)  If I wanted to have 5 sections on my photo instead of 4, what values would be used for the “position?”
You would use 20% instead of 25% for the position. (20%,40%,60%,80%,100%)

3. (II)  Why are you able to colorize just one section of the photo at one time?
    You are making a new layer so you are only changing a section of the photo.

4.  (I)  What is the purpose of using the following functions:

Snap to Guides: to show the different sections. 

Hue slider: to choose whatever color you want.

Blend mode: to only change the color and not anything else.

Stroke: to show where the section it. (make it pop)

5. (VI)  What criteria would you use to select the best colorization choice for a photo?
    It depends on the mood of the picture, whats going on in the picture, and what you want the picture to show.